When I click on "Find My Relationship" to my spouse in Person view, it says no relationship exists.

@DavidBright1 DavidBright1 - I beleive it is looking for a blood relationship not your marriage to your spouse. My wife soesn't show in the relationship as the relationship as wife but as an 8th cousin twice removed.
The system will take someone out there in tree and give you a relationship through their spouse to you but doesn't appear to do it for your spouse.
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@DavidBright1 DavidBright1 ( & @Robert Givens )
Further on from what 'Robert' had proffered ...
Interestingly enough; despite, 'FamilySearch' indicates that there is NO (direct) "Relationship' with/to one's Spouse/Wife, when you select "View My Relationship", what I have been coming across, of late, is that; although, NOT a "Blood" Relationship, I have got this AS A RELATIONSHIP ... "Wife's X Cousin, X Times Removed ... HOW ODD.
We are just lucky it show one's relationship to one's Children (which are STILL "Living"); although, it should; as, they are of one's "Blood" .
In relation to one's Spouse/Wife, despite there is NO (or, most likely no) "Blood" Relationship, there is one thing at play that would possibly, cancel the relationship out; so that, the "System" indicates there is NO Relationship to one's Spouse/Wife ...
That being that one's Spouse/Wife is STILL "Living" - But, I do not know about that - as, my Spouse/Wife is STILL "Living", I cannot check with a "Deceased' Spouse/Wife.
It would be interesting if another User/Patron whose Spouse/Wife is "Deceased" could check that out - maybe they WOULD 'See' a Relationship, who knows!?
Just some thoughts.