How do you hide an empty spouse box when displaying a family tree?

If a child dies as an infant or at a very young age, there is no way that child will have a spouse. When displaying a landscape or portrait view of the family tree, it would be nice to set a parameter to NOT display an empty spouse box for deceased family members who never married.@FamilySearch Tips and Tricks @FamilySearch Family Tree
Is there a way to NOT display an empty spouse box?
Thank you!
@AnitaMitchellGA AnitaMitchellGA
If I recall this has been, raised; discussed; and, debated, before in the OLD 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum.
Just saying ...
By "Design" ...
BOTH, the "+ Add Spouse"; and, the "+ Add Child", displays, NEVER disappear/go away, for anyone; even, for Children that die as Infants.
Basically, it is the "KISS" principle, that applies.
Remember, "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is a FREE website (for all) by the Church; and, is NOT a "Subscription" (ie. "Paid") website, with unlimited funds/resources.
It certainly would be nice ...
But ...
That said ...
There are many competing priorities in "Family Tree" (and, the OTHER Parts) of 'FamilySearch'; and, there are very limited resources available to 'FamilySearch'.
There are many other more important things that need, addressing/fixing; or, implementing.
Such may even be on the 'drawing board'; but, it would be a very low on the list of priorities.
But, we can certainly live in hope.
Just my thoughts.
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Thank you, Brett. I appreciate your quick response! It wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but it certainly makes sense.
Thank you again, Anita