my darling nieces have taken it upon themselves to make adjustments to my parents records. I've not

I'm my family historian and my parents have passed this year. My nieces have taken it upon themselves to add to these accounts. I was notified of the changes and merged what they did with the correct ID#s of my parents. Now it shows that ordinances are not complete and to get in touch with you. All ordinances have been completed so now what do I do.
When your nieces made adjustments to your parent's records, and you then merged the duplicated records, after the merge the ordinances should have crossed over onto the record that remained after the merge- although it sometimes takes 24 hours to do so. If you are concerned; in the merge did you have the record with the Ordinances on the right ( if using a computer). and did you allow Family Search to automatically move family members from the left to the right (even if this also create duplicates)? If the ordinances do not show when you think they should, then if no changes have been made on the record, you can unmerge the merge by going into Latest Changes.. If there has been a change, then you may need to Restore the deleted record.
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@Cathy Mol
There can be a number of reasons why "Ordinances" are no longer displayed after a "Merge"/"Combine".
"Merging"/"Combining" is a very complex process.
As 'Nida' has already proffered, it can take time for the "Ordinances" to "Reappear" for the "Surviving" individual/person after a "Merge"/"Combine".
One of the reasons for such, is that there are, in fact, Two (x2) databases involved.
Firstly, the "Family Tree" database; and, secondly the "Temple Work" database.
The "Ordinances" 'Tab', that we see for individuals/persons in "Family Tree", is the resulting display of the two (x2) databases, interfacing together. That interfacing needs time; hence, why when we make "Changes", there is sometimes a delay of a few seconds or even up to a number of hours. One factor in the delay can be how "Busy" that 'FamilySearch' is at a given time (ie. many Users/Patrons working in 'FamilySearch' at any given moment).
Another reason may be that the result of a "Merge"/"Combine" has left "Living" individuals/persons in in the "Mix" - something than can be "Missed" by you as the "Merger"/"Combiner"; as, you do not see the "Living" individuals/persons in the "Private Spaces" of another User/Patron (ie. in this case your "Nieces").
Check with your "Nieces", see if they had any "Living" individuals/persons associated with your Parents, that may in fact be "Deceased".
Of course, your "Nieces" will most likely have YOU as a "Living" individual/person in their "Private Spaces".
You should not have to; but, if there is a major problem/issue with the "Merge"/"Combine", just in case; as, 'Nida' has also suggested, you may need to, either, "Unmerge"/"Uncombine; or, "Restore" (ie. separate what you have done) them; and, get your "Nieces" to use the "FamilySearch Person Identifiers' (PIDs) of you Parents that you have been using; and, them try "Re-Merging"/"Re-Combining" them. Personally, I always prefer the "Surviving" record (ie. individual/person) to be the one that has been in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' the longest (ie. the earlier iteration).
Double check in "Vitals" for your ("Merged"/"Combined") Parents that ALL the "Names"; "Dates", and, "Places" are correct; and, of course, for "Names" have NO invalid characters, lurking in the background; and, for "Dates" and "Places" are "Standardised" - do not forget the "Marriage" record.
Come back here, to this post of yours, if the "Ordinances" for your ("Merged"/"Combined") Parents, do not appear after, either, say at least 24 Hours; or, some necessary 'tweaking'.
It does not take much to put "Ordinances" out of kilter ...
I hope this helps.
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can you provide the ID of the persons in question?
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@Cathy Mol So sorry to hear of your parents' passings! I'm very glad your nieces want to be involved even though you may need to mentor them.
Depending on how many children and grandchildren your parents have, there will be more duplicates of your parents that will need to be merged. I say this not to discourage you, but to prepare you. Each child and grandchild could have 'living' accounts of your parents, since their passings are recent, that you cannot view or search for until death information is added.
Most likely your nieces added the death information to their grandparents on their accounts, and your accounts of them showed 'duplicate' and they merged. If the ordinances are not showing correctly tomorrow, then call 1-866-406-1830 and talk to the missionaries who will look into it for you.
I think the more family members we help get involved in our family's history the better off we'll all be. It's true you may need to fix things here and there, but someday you're going to need someone to take over for you because it's never done😂.
Enjoy the journey!
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@Cathy Mol Did the missing ordinances show up after a while or are they still missing?
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Still missing
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Thank you so much.
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Thank you so much.
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@Cathy Mol - Wait until tomorrow and if the ordinances are still missing contact support at 1-866-306-1830
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Cathy, I had a quick look at these this morning and the ordinances for Darlene Miller all seem to be in place (BC done in 1938 and IE in 1951), You can see that 2 merges were done with that PID.
However, the change history file for Elwin Marcellis Johnson PID LX6W-33S shows the PID as never being involved in a Merge. Also, I see that he passed away very recently. If he was a member of the church who had live ordinances, and had a FamilySearch account, then the record of himself within his FS account will likely still be showing him as living (and therefore in the private space of his account where nobody else can see it).
Assuming that the above assumptions are true, then:
When his ward clerk updates his church records showing him as deceased, that original record of his in FS will automatically be marked as deceased and will then become visible to everyone on FS and will show up as a duplicate to the one currently showing in FS (LX6W-33S). You will need to then merge it and the one currently showing in FS.
Since it is his own record built from information taken from church records, it is a "special" record, it already was linked to his ordinances (even though they were not visible to him). The PID (LX6W-33S) that you added the Death vital to on Oct 6 is not really his "true" record. It was just a duplicate record that was in your private space. So now there is a deceased record in the system as well as a living record in his old account that the system sees as duplicates. Thus there is a conflict since ordinances are associated with only one PID in the system at a time.
So you can call FS customer support as Robert Givens suggested. They might or might not be able to do something, but I suspect that they will likely direct you to go to his ward clerk and have his church records updated.
Once his record PID shows up on the system, you will be able to combine everything that he already had attached to it in his own private space, with everything that is now on the LX6W-33S PID.
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Thank you so much. I will do as you say and check with his ward clerk. I might be asking you more questions. 🙋♀️
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Although I've not experienced it, this type of thing would happen so frequently that FS Customer Service just HAS to have a standard set of instructions for this, so you may want to call them before contacting the ward clerk. Let us all know how it works out for you.
One other thing that you might want to consider. I assume that you now have his PID as well as his parents on your "Following" list. There could be a dozen or more FS Patrons out there that have a Duplicate record for him in their private spaces. It would not be unusual to have 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cousins that all had their own living records for him in their own Private spaces. There are many different reasons why even distant relatives might have these (now) duplicates in their private spaces, but the main thing is that it is not unusual. Since you now have a deceased record in the Family Tree, anyone with a living version of that record will now see that it is being shown as a duplicate of a recently deceased person, so there may be an influx of many duplicates being moved from different person's private spaces into the Family Tree as they all get marked as deceased. This could go on for a while as people slowly discover the change.
You will want to watch, Uhh, erm… that is "Follow" the record that is there and make sure that as each newly deceased duplicate record is introduced, that it is merged in a reasonable way. When his true record is finally released, it should have all of his ordinances on it and merging the current (duplicate) record that you've been working on into it will resolve the ordinances thing.