How much information gets overridden when you do a merge?
I did get (great) help on a similar issue recently, but I want to be sure I understood this part:
Say I have "Jane Doe 1" in my branch, with carefully researched and attached spouse, kids, siblings and forebears... and then I find an existing duplicate "Jane Doe 2" in the tree, who also has profiles for the corresponding spouse/kids/forebears attached. If I merge mine into Jane Doe 2, will her existing family branch replace/override what I already have, going back through all the generations?
(A related question: do the two sets of sources combine as well?)
@KayAitch KayAitch
I am no expert, I am just another User/Patron like yourself; but, with some experience.
In answer to your first 'Question', I would suggest, in simple terms ...
IF, either, branch of Spouse/Children/Ancestors, are EAXACTLY the same; THEN, they will be combined into one/the same.
Whereas, provided that you "Move" everything/everyone over in the "Merge"/"Combine" ...
IF, each of the branches of Spouse/Children/Ancestors, are DIFFERENT (ie. separate and distinct) from each other; THEN, they will appear as DIFFERENT (ie. separate and distinct) "Family" from each other, for the resulting "Combined"/"Merged" individual/person (ie. More than one Spouse; where, the Children appear separately for each Spouse).
Does that make sense?
If, not; then, let us know.
Now ...
In answer to your second (ie. last) 'Question', I would suggest, in simple terms ...
SAME, Same ...
IF, any of the "Sources" attached to either individual/person, are EAXACTLY the same; THEN, they will be combined into one/the same.
Whereas, provided that you "Move" everything (in this case, "Sources") over in the "Merge"/"Combine" ...
IF, any of the "Sources" attached to either individual/person, are DIFFERENT (ie. separate and distinct) from each other; THEN, will appear separately for the resulting "Combined"/"Merged" individual/person.
Does that make sense?
If, not; then, let us know.
I hope this helps.
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Thank you, Brett! I think I'm getting it. Basically:
For relatives, if my "Jane Doe" had the husband listed as "Joseph", but the other Jane Doe had the same husband listed as "Joe", the two husbands would not merge, because they didn't exactly match. The merged Jane Doe would show two husbands, one named Joseph and one named Joe. The same would be true for the other immediate relatives.
Merging sources doesn't create duplicates of identical sources, but different ones will be added to the sources in the final merged individual.
Let me know if I have misunderstood something, and thank you for explaining it!