John Hardy (S5RX-NDJ) born in Massachusetts, 1769 has 2 wives: Sarah (S5RN-HR3) born in England a
John Hardy (S5RX-NDJ) born in Massachusetts, 1769 has 2 wives:
Sarah (S5RN-HR3) born in England and married in England
Elizabeth Knowlton (S5RN-WHG) born in Connecticut, marriage not available
Children born the same time - 1792-1813.
Sarah (S5RN-HR3) born in England and married in England
Elizabeth Knowlton (S5RN-WHG) born in Connecticut, marriage not available
Children born the same time - 1792-1813.
I have found many John Hardy entries all born the same date but with different ID numbers. Very confusing.
We are trying to trace our ancestry and it can't be both England and the US. How do we know which is right?
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