What does this record say is Hans Hansen Dahl's birth date and place? And what is Sidse Marie Madsd
Referred to @Nordic Countries Genealogy Research by admin.
Several people on MyHeritage list Hans Hansen Dahl as being born in Værløse, Smørum, København, Denmark Dec 20 1807. They also say he was married 30 May 1836 in Magleby, Præstø, Danmark to Sidse Marie Madsdatter. I found a marriage record but can't read it to confirm. I think it says Hans was born in Varpelev, not Værløse.
Best Answer
After looking at the record it is my opinion that Varpelev is where Hans if from when he gets married, not where he is born. He is 28 years old when he gets married. The date, 23 July 1810, is when he receives his smallpox vaccination. The marriage date is 30 May 1836 and the parish is Magleby Stevns, Stevns, Præstø, Denmark. I looked through Varpelev birth records from 1805-1810 and didn't see a Hans Hansen born there.
For Sidse Marie Madsdatter, she is 20 years old and from Maglebye (not necessarily born there) and her smallpox vaccination date is 21 October 1816. I also looked through the Maglebye parish birth records between 1814 and 1818 and did not find her there.