why are there access restriction, (records that are not acceptable to Family Search) why the pop up?
Adding a death date, member was looking in the Search, auto default
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can you send a screen shot so we know what you are referring to?
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what specific item are you trying to access and what is the exact wording on the popup?
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Published August 28, 2020Most limitations are related to record collection agreements between FamilySearch and partnering organizations. Partnering with interested third parties helps FamilySearch ultimately provide more access to more records to all who use the site over time.
In some cases, these agreements give us permission to share certain records in a limited way—with those who visit the Family History Library or local family history centers in person, for example.
Here are some possible solutions to try when an index you would like to view is not available online:
- Locate the index in the FamilySearch Catalog to become more familiar with the access options. Perhaps you can view the record that interests you from one of our partners’ websites or your local family history center.
- Find out if the collection you are interested in is available through a local library or archive.
- Ask the FamilySearch Community for research assistance.
- Try accessing the records at a later date. Our agreements can change over time, and we are always striving to make more records available to our users.
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Thanks - that was helpful
now as you read that - what is your specific question?
FS does include records in its search results that may not actually be viewable at Familysearch - but may be available at other sites. (sometimes for a fee)
FS does have a massive amount of records that are freely available - but they also try to inform people about records that other organizations have also. The goal at FS is to try and provide as much info as they can for free - - but also let people know what else is out there that other organizations may have.
but what is the specific record you are trying to access?
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A member in our stake sent me a screenshot from her phone. I hesitate to put her information online
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glad you are thoughtful
but what would be on the screen that is sensative? "her information"??
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@JacquieHughen JacquieHughen
Perhaps I am not reading this correctly; but, ...
There appears to be more than one part to your 'Question' (ie. post).
Initially ...
why are there access restriction, (records that are not acceptable to Family Search) why the pop up?
Let me try to break that down ...
You answered the first part of that with that "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
Why do some indexes have access limitations?
In essence, the "Restrictions" are those of the Record "Custodian" - they decide, for whatever reason (and, there are many), on what happens, what "Restrictions" are applied.
The second part ...
The "Index" of the "Records" DO appear on 'FamilySearch', otherwise you would not know that they exist; but, access to the "Images" of the "Records", both, DO NOT appear on; and, are NOT accessible through, 'FamilySearch' - that is simply the "Restriction" placed on those "Records" by the Record "Custodian".
The third part ...
IF, you are referencing the "Pop-Up" that appears, that indicates that the "Images" of those "Records" can ONLY be accessed at a "Family History Centre" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Library, from around the Word); THEN, again, that is simply the "Restriction" placed on those "Records" by the Record "Custodian".
'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) has, obtained copies of; and, later, Filming, many "Records", from ALL around the World.
Oversimplified ...
Sometimes, those "Records" can be, both, "Indexed" by the Church, with that index being able to be placed on-line in 'Familysearch'; and, the "Images" of those "Records" to also to be placed on-line in 'Familysearch'.
Sometimes, those "Records" can be "Indexed" by the Church, with that index being able to be placed on-line in 'Familysearch'; but, the "Images" of those "Records" CANNOT be places on-line in 'Familysearch'.
Sometimes, those "Records" can, NEITHER, be "Indexed" by the Church (therefore, no index is available on-line in 'Familysearch'); and, the "Images" of those "Records" can certainly NOT be placed on-line in 'Familysearch'.
The actual situation is much more complex.
Firstly ...
We are lucky and must be thankful that that 'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) has been, obtaining copies of; or, later, Filming, with permission/authority, the "Records" from ALL around the World.
Secondly ...
We are also lucky and must be thankful that 'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) has and is able to put as much of what it can of the the "Records" from ALL around the World, on-line.
Thirdly ...
We have to accept the many and various "Restrictions" of the Record "Custodians".
And, as such, there are MANY Contractual Arrangements/Agreements that 'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) must enter into, with the various Record "Custodians", just to get access to the "Records", let alone make those records available - we have to be thankful that 'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) DOES take the time and effort to enter into such Contractual Arrangements/Agreements.
'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church) tries very hard to make as much as it can, FREELY available, to ALL; but, unfortunately, it is not possible for everything to be freely available, to all.
That last "Image", that you posted, is to do with the TEMPORARY "Closure" of the "Family History Centres" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Libraries, from around the Word) due to the "COVID-19" Pandemic; and, the inaccessibility of some "Records".
Despite, the TEMPORARY "Closure" of the "Family History Centres" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Libraries, from around the Word), due to the "COVID-19" Pandemic, due to the MANY Contractual Arrangements/Agreements, with the various Record "Custodians", 'FamilySearch' (ie. the Church), CANNOT just make everything available to all - that is NOT the way the World works, it certainly would be nice if it did.
Some "Family History Centres" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Libraries, from around the Word) have "Re-Opened".
Whereas, some "Family History Centres" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Libraries, from around the Word) are still TEMPORARY "Closed".
For those around the World where the "Family History Centres" of the Church, from around the World (or, an "Affiliate" Libraries, from around the Word) are still TEMPORARY "Closed", it is unfortunate; but, they will just have to wait until such "Re-Open".
Just to put things into perspective ...
Here is a post in the 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum, of 5 Months ago, by 'FamilySearch', on this matter, that anyone can access ...
Requests for access to records during temporary closings
Thank you for your inquiry and suggestion. We have had several requests in this regard as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support,
FamilySearch Support
And, here is the whole "Image", of the page/screen, with the "Banner" at the TOP, of the "Search/Records" in 'FamilySearch', that you posted:
And, here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch' on the matter:
Access to restricted records during COVID-19 outbreak
We have had several requests to remove record access restrictions as a result of the temporary closing of our Family History Library and family history centers due to COVID-19 precautions. Due to contractual obligations, we unfortunately cannot offer expanded external access to records restricted to family history centers and affiliate libraries. We apologize for this inconvenience.
In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the vast record collections that are available on FamilySearch. Millions of new indexed records and images are added weekly. And if you haven’t used our new Explore Historical Images tools, you might be surprised at the potential discoveries you can make in our growing unindexed image collections.
We appreciate your patience, loyalty, and support.
[ Mind you, I do not think that that 'link' to the aforementioned "Knowledge Article" is still accessible, it may have been changed or removed ]
I know that this does not help.
I just hope that this gives you some perspective