Ancestry DNA
Best Answer
Yes ... there is a banner at the top of the DNA match page that tells you about the changes. Some have happened e.g., showing longest segment ... removal of small matches is to happen end of August so about now if it hasn't already happened. Low cMs that are colour dotted, have a note on them or have been messaged will stay.
On my brothers they have after all the 5th-8th cousins they have others
they show people that have like 12cM shared DNA across 1 or 2 segments
My goodness he has hundreds of distant matches there
I scrolled for 5 mins never got to the bottom of the list LOL
Hope that helps
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BY Low cM Ancestry is referring to less than 8cM
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Typically you cannot tell much from small segments. I have not gone in to try and save the segments on the two cases that I am most concerned with. I had one case that had nothing but tiny segments to start with. It took an incredible amount of work to figure out anything with them. I could make some guesses using the segments, but not much that is really significant.
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Yes ... I didn't spend a lot of time on them either. I did go through and dot any with common ancestor/thrulines and screenshot the Thruline so that I can check them later at my leisure but I didn't worry too much about the rest. I had already connected about 20 of them and messaged some of them so they will be preserved anyway. I think the stat is that about 50% of the matches won't be valid matches anyway but that of course means that about 50% are valid matches ... whether they are close enough to find the connection is another matter.
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I did as @bjnl bjnl did and marked each of these Thruline matches below 8 cM matches before they dumpted them. I doubt Ancestry is interested in making our research any more accurate IMHO I think this is just to allow them to return less results and thus save band width, server cost, etc. Sure these are marginal matches but they often provide that little thing you need to piece the puzzle together. I would rather struggle with possible false postitive results than miss out one the good matches.