Where is Lubatowa In Poland. Some say Warsaw, some say Krosno, another says in Krakow.

Referred to @Poland Genealogy Research by admin.
I am looking for Albert George Aszklar or Albert George Aszklar. His wife was Tekla Zajak and they both were born in 1980 in Lubatowa. They imiigrated yo the U,S,A, from Austria-Poland. and were married in Collinsville, Hartford, Connecticut in 1910. They are my grandparents and I am trying to find out more about them when they were in poland.
Best Answers
Lubatowa is due south of Krosno Province: Podkarpackie, County: Krosno, Community: Dukla
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Below is copy from MyHeritage of Family Tree of Albert Aszklar and Tekla Zajac. Unfortunately there are no records for Lubartowa, or Rogi Parish for Lubartowka, available in FHL, or Polish State Archives for year 1880.
There is a chance that a copy of those records is in Archdiocese Archives in Przemysl. They allow only two genealogists to access them for a specific donation, and those genealogists charge about $35.00 an hour. If you decide to contact them, please let me know and I will give you their contact information.
Sorry, I cannot help you more.
Maria Eppich
NameAlbert AszklarBirth1880 Galicia, AustriaMarriageMarriage to: Tekla Zajac (Aszklar)Apr 18 1910 Canton, Hartford, Connecticut, United StatesBaptism (LDS)Feb 28 2015Confirmation (LDS)Feb 28 2015Endowment (LDS)Oct 11 2016Family membersWife
1880 - 1922
1911 - ?
1914 - 1990
1918 - 1992
1922 - 1922
1912 - 1980
1915 - 1915
1920 - 1995
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While I am not totally sure what you are looking for, I think that by requesting more information about Albert Aszklar and his wife, Tekla Zajac, you want to know their birth records, and the vital records (birth and/or christenings, marriage and death records) along with the names of their parents, and possibly their parents as well. (Of course if you want other information about the area around Lubatowa and Lubatówka, give Google any Polish town names and it will give you lots of information in return.) I looked at all the possible sources for genealogical information online for St. Stanislaus, the Bishop, (Roman) Catholic Church in Lubatowa and found that geneteka.genealodzy.pl does have some death records online, but only for the years 1889 - 1907. However, geneteka does list some Aszklars from a very nearby parish (in Jasionka, < 3 km away). but no Albert Aszklar. There are far more people with the surname Zając (no doubt the correct spelling of your grandmother's name) living in the area, even an Agata Zając, born on 13 January 1880, in a village only 15 km away: Stary Żmigród. However, that particular Agata died in 1887 at age seven. Since Maria Eppich already gave you the information about contacting the archdiocese for Lubatowa in Przemyśl, I want to share the other possible option in the event that they cannot answer your questions.
You can write to the local civil records office in Iwonicz-Zdrój. As you did for us, you would need to identify yourself as a grandson, and be prepared to pay a nominal fee for their service. The address is as follows:
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego
Aleja Słoneczna 28
38-440 Iwonicz-Zdrój
There are all sorts of training materials on Family Search, including how to write a letter in Polish: (https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Poland_Letter_Writing_Guide#Archives.2C_Offices_and_Parishes).
For other guidance, after opening FamilySearch.org, click on Search, scroll down to Research Wiki and click on it. You will find a map of the world with the various continents' names. Click on Europe, then pull down the scroll bar located in a box to your left with the names of the various European countries listed in alphabetical order until you find Poland, and click on it. Then move that scroll bar up to the very top to click on Poland (the top entry in that next list). From that subsequent screen you can gain all sorts of information about researching in Poland. Good luck!
What religion did they belong to?
According to Gesher Galicia Town Locator, the Roman Catholic parish was located in Lubatowa itself while the Jewish center was in Dukla.
Once we know the religion we can help you find records
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There appears to be no vital records available online from the Roman Catholic Church in Lubatowa for the year 1880.
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Albert George or George Albert Aszklar and Tekla Zajac were Catholics.
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I am sorry I mislead you. Albert and Tecla were married in Collinsville, Hartford, Connecticut 0n 17 October 1910.. They both came from the same town in Poland. I believe it was from Lubatowa, Galica, Poland. They were both born there in the same year, 1880.I am searching for more information on their families in Poland.
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I found a facebook group for Iwonicz-Zdroj that was interesting that you might want to scroll through. https://www.facebook.com/Radni-PiS-Gmina-Iwonicz-Zdr%C3%B3j-268690197100010/
Maria Eppich is the best chance you have at finding anything. Good luck!