Some how I was listed as my mother's spouse. It has a totally different number for me and also I wou

Best Answer
Do not panic, there is ...
Firstly ...
Before "Deleting" any "Couple Relationship" ...
Make sure you appear (exist) as a Child for your Mother [&, Father (ie. Parents)]
Secondly ...
Select the '"Pencil" 'Icon' in the "Family Members" Section; where, you appear (ie. exist) as a "Spouse" to your Mother ...
Which brings up the "Pop-Up" ("Modal') 'Window' of the "Couple Relationship".
Select the "Delete Relationship" at the "Bottom".
Which brings up another "Pop-Up" ("Modal') 'Window' of the "Delete Couple Relationship".
"Tick"/"Check" the 'Check Box'; and, select "Continue".
Which brings up another "Pop-Up" ("Modal') 'Window' to actually Delete the Relationship; and, requires the inclusion of a "Reason Statement" as why such action is being undertaken.
Complete that and "Save.
I hope this helps.
@Judy Maher
Where are YOU seeing that you appear as you Mother's spouse?
Is that in your 'FamilySearch' Account?
Or, is that in your Mother's 'FamilySearch' Account?
The reason I ask such, is that; as, you are "Living", ONLY the User/Patron who "Created" the "Living" individual/person can see them.
The problem/issue should be easily able to be addressed/fixed; but, I am just trying to gauge on whose 'FamilySearch' Account you are seeing this - before, providing a suggestion.
As an aside ...
A few questions:
In YOUR 'FamilySearch' Account, do you ALSO appear as a Child of your Mother.
[ as well as her Spouse ]
In your Mother's 'FamilySearch' Account, do you ALSO appear as a Child.
[ as well as her Spouse ]
Are they DIFFERENT 'FamilySearch Person Identifiers" (ie. PID) for YOU in, BOTH, your, and, your Mother's, 'FamilySearch' Account(s).
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I am seeing it on my family tree on Family Search. and yes I am the person who created this tree. There should be a way to correct this. I have tried everything other than cancelloing my page.