I have been working at sourcing research findings by my deceased wife before sourcing was available
I have been working at sourcing research findings by my deceased wife before sourcing was available in Family Search. I'm working in the Catholic Parish records in Portugal. I do not see Portugal listed in your "list of Groups."
I'm generally able to locate the sources from her research notes, but frequently need assistance interpreting the hand-written records. I have seen announcements about "online individual consultation" now being available. Does this service include Portuguese records, and how do I sign up for this service?
Best Answers
I think someone from this group might be able to help you @FamilySearch – Portugal
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https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/FamilyHistoryLibrary@office365lds.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/ Here is the link to book an online consultation. Offices are closed due to COVID but are allowing 20 free minutes for consulting.
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