Need help to find my great-grandather's real Chinese name.
He immigrated to Lima/Callao, Peru from Canton, China in 1873. His name in Peru was Federico Salinas, but that wasn't his original name. I believe he was born in 1864, which would make him about 9 when he immigrated to Peru. I would like to find the manifest of the boat he traveled on from China to Peru because I could narrow the passengers down to children and find his original name that way. But I've hit a brick wall on tracking down the manifest. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Admin referral to @Latin American Genealogy Research
Best Answers
When it comes to Chinese genealogy, you really need the Chinese characters of the names. The Peruvian name is not going to help to do research in China. Sorry. I suggest more research with other family members, maybe old letters or pictures can give you clues on the names.
I don't know anything about ship manifest from China to Peru, that would be a question for someone who knows how Peru keeps their records.
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@Chinese Genealogy Research 中文家譜尋根 Does anyone have a suggestion from this group?