What is "follow" someone?

It allows you to "follow" - receive copies - of the posts by that person.
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@BonniePeterson53 Here is some text from a recent FamilySearch Blog post about the Following feature.
"notifies you of changes to a person’s information in the Family Tree...To follow a person’s changes in the Tree, you can click Follow on their profile page. Also, anywhere an ancestor name appears in Family Tree, you can click the name to show the Person Card, and then you can click Follow. To unfollow a person, click Following. Notice that the star is filled in when you are following the person."
Here is the link to the blog post:
I have used this feature a lot. It was recently called 'Watch'. If there are changes made that don't match the records, I can get them fixed up quickly.
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Patricia's answer is what "follows" means in FamilySearch Family Tree
My answer means what "follows" means in FamilySearch Comuunity.
it depends where you are referring to.
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It is a silly and inappropriate re-naming of the watch list function in the FSFT. It has nothing to do with what "following" means in a normal forum or social-media community.
In the FSFT context, "following" means nothing more than "Watching" a specific person's record and receiving notices if anyone changes something. It's the total reverse of what someone would normally understand it to be.
FS gave it a fancy new social media term so that "it would be more intuitive" (yes, that is a FS quote). I see that you've already been able to judge the results for yourself😒
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yeh - I have to agree - I think it just causes confusion.
similar to the confusion of person tagging - versus topic tagging.