My Gt Grandmother Annette Marie Josephine Barbeaux was Born in Vosges. 16th Dec either 1834 or 1835,

Annette fled to England . Her mother who is unknow died when she was about 4, Jospeh married the housekeeper, and went on to have a boy and girl.all names unknown.
Annette married in England and died in 1920
Is this the individual/person, in 'Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', to whom your refer:
Annetta Josephine Mary BARBEAUX ... ( PID: GWS4-4KT )
Born: 16 December 1834, Vruge Department De La Cote D'Or, France
Died: 1920, West Malling, Kent, England
Joseph BARBEAUX ... ( PID: GWS4-Z36 )
Born: 1812, Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine, France
Died: 1882
28 April 1860, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Reynah OVENDEN ... ( PID: LYNC-BFV )
Born: 1837, Fordcombe, Kent, England
Died: 1877, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Charles Esperance ( GWS4-4Q7 );
Rene Marie Gabrille ( GWS4-ZVJ );
Annette Adelaide ( GWS4-42C );
Alfred ( GWS4-3R8 ); and,
Catherine Elizabeth ( GWS4-ZMV )
If it is, what are you seeking ...
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Yes Brett. The only info i hadnt got was Joseph Barbeaux Birth and death nor whom he married before 1834 and the housekeeper he married after 1838. in France.Ive been trying to find stuff for 10 yrs on him and family.
Its strange we cant find his wife.
Ive got all the rest of info on family in UK Yhankyou vety much for the info on Jospephs birth and death.
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I did not do anything.
All that information is already in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch".
I just did a search in "Family Tree" using "Find", with the details you provided.
Nothing more, nothing less ...
It is all there.
And, much more (eg. "Sources")
You might want to "Contact" the User/Patron who input the details for those individuals/persons, through "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch'.
You never know, they may have more details; and, anyway, they may even be a extended Relative (ie. 'Instant' extended Family).
Good luck.
Glad I was of some help.