What is the number below a name ie:L51Y-5JX?
It is the personal identification attached to that person. Every account in FamilySearch has one. It is sometimes referred to as PID.
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Further to what 'Patricia' has already proffered ...
That "L51Y-5JX" is a 'FamilySearch Person Identifier' the acronym for which is sometimes (and often) known as a PID in relation to "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' stands.
It is a UNIQUE Seven Digit identifier ( xxxx-xxx ) [ where those digits can be, either, alphabetic letters; and/or, numeric numbers ] for each and ever individual/person in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" - no two individuals/persons have the same PID.
The "System" AUTOMATICALLY assigns those UNIQUE identifiers to individuals/persons when they are "Created" in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Every individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' has a UNIQUE identifier - no two individuals/persons have/get the same UNIQUE identifier - a UNIQUE identifier ONLY "Ever" represents ONE individual/person.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in "FamilySearch":
What are ID numbers used for in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
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Note that not all PIDs are seven digits. Some have more. The system is designed so that they can expand the number of digits as they need more.