Where can I find images of the “ship manifests” for those ships that boarded passengers from Brazil

Where can I find images of the “ship manifests” for those ships that boarded passengers from Brazil to Madeira ... between the years 1888 through 1894?
Note I found the images for traveling the reverse way ... but I need from Brazil to Madeira.
Note I found the images for traveling the reverse way ... but I need from Brazil to Madeira.
Might this record set help? It doesn't indicate whether the immigrants were coming or going. https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/109927?availability=Family%20History%20Library
Other than that, these two pages might point you in the right direction:
You may not find a collection of ships, since it appears that in some senses, the Brazilian considered the Portuguese nationals of the same country. But there are a number of listings for passports and such, which might still get you the information that you are looking for.
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