I would like a bit of help on understanding a set of records in the FamilySearch collection. How ca
The records is called "Kościół rzymsko-katolicki. Parafja Okulice (Bochnia)" (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/816605?availability=Family History Library). The notes say "Poland, Tarnow Roman Catholic Diocese Church Books are available online, click here." However, in the records coverage table, neither Okulice or nearby town Bratucice are listed (https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Poland_Tarnow_Roman_Catholic_Diocese_Church_Books_-_FamilySearch_Historical_Records_Coverage_Table) Am I correct in assuming that only parts of the Tarnow books are in the online database? To view the microfilm, would I have to travel to the library in Salt Lake City, or are these records loaned to local Family History Centers? Thank you to anyone who can help me understand these questions!
First, if you notice the locality subjects on your first link they say:
- Poland, Kraków, Okulice (Bochnia) - Church records
- Austria, Galizien, Okulice (Bochnia) - Church records
- Austria, Galizien, Bratucice (Bochnia) - Church records
- Poland, Kraków, Bratucice (Bochnia) - Church records
My take from that is that you are actually going to look for the town listed as Bochnia, which is in the list of towns on that second link.
As for the films vs. images. On your first link scroll down and you will see each town and set of records, clear to the right you have many that show a camera with a key, those would require you to be at an official FamilySearch center (either, Family History Library in Salt Lake City, a Family History Center somewhere in the world, or another affiliate library that has and agreement with FamilySearch) and yes for now these are all closed.
Some of the entries show a microfilm reel. Those are only available in microfilm form at this time and microfilms are no longer being shipped out to Family History Centers. However, just above the record listing is a box that shows 'Family History Library'. If you click there, you will see other locations listed. If you are lucky, one might be near you. Select that location and the microfilm entries below will be filtered to show what microfilms in the list are available at that location. You just might get lucky with the film you need near you!
You may also want to talk with folks in the @Poland Genealogy Research group. They are more specialized in Polish research and might be able to tell you why the towns you are interested in are listed under Bochnia.
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@Anne LoForte Willson in this instance the Bochina in parenthesis is simply the district to help differentiate between towns of the same name. The parish is Okulice within Bochina district. @MeghanMcFarlane sorry that the note about the records being online is a bit misleading. For this collection the records are restricted so they can only be viewed online for some people. You'll likely need to come to the Family History Library to view the microfilms if when you are logged into your FamilySearch.org account you still get the key above the camera icon.
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@Anne LoForte Willson Thank you so much for taking the time to explain everything. Your information was very helpful. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to find what I'm looking for in the future with a visit to the Family History Library. Thanks again!
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Thanks, @Camille_Andrus Camille_Andrus ! For the records, I actually don't see a camera icon, only the microfilm icon. This is why the note about the records being online was particularly confusing for me. I appreciate the information you shared, and once it becomes safe to travel and visit a Family History Library, I will be sure to reach out to a librarian to see if I can view these particular microfilms. How very exciting! Thank you 😀
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@Camille_Andrus Camille_Andrus so glad you know this particular situation better than I do! Thanks for clarifying.
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The Library is now closed to the public due to pandemic. But I will have access there today 1 pm till 4:30 pm and I plan to research there Okulice records for my friend in Poland. If you let me know what records from Okulice you need, I will try to find them and send you scans. Please let me know if I can help you. Maria Eppich
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That is such a kind offer. I'm not sure if these records are indexed, or if you will have to search for names page by page. Please don't feel pressured to spend extra time on me--I'll be happy to eventually make a trip to Salt Lake City. If you do happen to come across any information on Aniela Kozak [LZD7-TX] or family, that is who I would be looking for. Aniela was born in Bratucice around 1893. Her parents were Marcin Kozak and Anna Łazarz. Aniela emigrated to the US in 1914, but we have photos from the 1940s-60s of family that remained in the area, including January(?) 1964 photos of the funeral of her brother Andrzej Kozak at the church in Okulice.
I also hope to find anyone with the last name Olipra. My great grandfather Andrzej Olipra [LZD7-TXX] had his place of origin listed as Ostrów, Galacia. A cousin thinks he saw a document stating that he was from Ostrów Szlachecki. In theory, this would mean that his records would be with the Rzezawa Parish, but I did not find any Olipras in their records from around the same time period. I'm wondering if maybe they attended church in Okulice as well.
Again, no pressure--I know this might be something that requires a lot of time to track down, since I don't know all of the specific dates yet. If you come across anything while conducting your other searches, it would be a delight. Thank you!
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Hi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria EppichHi Meghan,
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
I was able to find several records from Okulice, village Bratucice, of family Marcin Kozak and Anna Lazarz, but I have difficult time sending them to you using community tiny spot to enter the reply. Please contact me using my email: mhe278@yahoo.com and I will be able to send you those records. I was not able to locate birth record of Aniela Kozak, as the records I could access are only till 1889 year.
Hope you will enjoy them.
Maria Eppich
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That's wonderful, @Eppich Maria, thank you! I have just sent an email to you. I look forward to seeing what you discovered. Best, Meghan
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Hi Megan,
I apologize. I tried to send you those few scans, which must have been not permissible, as I received 999 emails telling me I could not do it. Sorry.
I do have scans of several members of your family from Okulice, children of Martinus Kozak and Anna Lazarz. I will be glad to send them to you if we can figure out how to do it. Maria Eppich
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@Eppich Maria Maria, thank you again for finding these records. I'm so impressed that you were able to find so much. We will be able to add two more generations to our family tree thanks to you! I'm just thrilled. Thank you so much!