Purpose of family tree • FamilySearch
https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/what-is-the-purpose-of-familysearch-and-family-treeOur purpose is to help families work together to make connections and discover their heritage.
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Long time since the question was asked..... but in case someone else can benefit from additional information that relates to this question ......... It may help to review the following articles from the FamilySearch Help Centre which explain the purpose of FamilySearch as a shared/collaborative tool where people share research and work together. Additionally, a comparison between FamilySearch's shared-tree model as compared with 'Private Tree' models used by FamilySearch Partner sites. Also, tools FamilySearch provides that you can use to prevent inaccurate changes being made by others in a collaborative tree environment.
There are great benefits to working in a shared tree, including people sharing their research and the sources they have added. Many people like to keep a separate private tree as well on a partner site such as Ancestry, My Heritage, etc so they can refer back and restore any incorrect changes if needed.
Hope this helps.
Can you share with us the person/relationship that seems to keep disappearing?
is this a person deceased or living?
what is name and birth date?
as others have already stated - any data you enter into FamilySearch Family Tree - is part of a single database design - and not one where you have "your own tree" (other than your private records for living persons).
Here is a video that explains (among other things) why this design methodology was very much intentional
So, the DIRECT answer to the original poster's initial question is "No"? 😕