How is my corrected info on tree transferred to tree?

I am trying to get info on tree edited and so I wondered: I was put in as deceased and corrected that, however...the original record of my deceased status is still on my tree. How do I delete the incorrect record?
Best Answers
based on this FAQ
and my personal experience - I believe there are STILL cases that must involve FS Support
Probably about a year ago I had to get FS involved when I corrected a person like this.
as I understand the deciding factor as the above states - is whether multiple contributors are linked to the record.
If its just me who inadvertantly marked a recd deceased - I should be able to go back in and mark itliving again - with no outside help.
but if there are multiple contributors the human intervention is required to know which of all those people now need a new entry in their private space.
we will see - maybe with this lady it is just her.
@Joyce Klemmer Walsh
After your "Change" in status of yourself from "Deceased" to "Living", did you "Refresh" the page/screen that you were on!?
Sometimes a "Refresh" the page/screen that you were on is required to "Display" a "Change" that was made.
Such a "Change" in status of yourself from "Deceased" to "Living" should have put the "Living" you in your "Private Spaces" so that it cannot be seen by any other User/Patrons; whereas, the "Deceased" version of yourself should no longer appear in "Family Tree".
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If she is not the only contributor to that record - FS support will need to take action.
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@Dennis J Yancey
I understand what you are saying, certainly that "Used" to be the case (I have had such); but, nowadays, as far as I am aware, 'Support' does not get involved.
No so long ago, I did what 'Joyce' is talking about; and, I easily (without a 'Support' case being created) "Changed" the 'Status' of an individual/person from "Deceased" to "Living"; but, in doing so, the individual/person was then AUTOMATICALLY, by the "System", placed in my "Private Spaces"; but, the "Deceased" version of the individual/person NO LONGER appeared in "Family Tree" of FamilySearch" - ie. was not visible to Other Users/Patrons. The 'FamilySearch Person Identifier' (PID) REMAINED the SAME - NO "Duplicate" was "Created".
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Are you working directly in FamilySearch? Or are you using some 3rd party software that syncs with FamilySearch? (RootsMagic is one example)
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I am working in Family Search and have changed to correct birth date on the person but the year - death will not change on the actual tree. It shows the incorrect year (show the same as his son). How can tree be corrected? Kim Alviano
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my guess is that you corrected the date but the standardized date was not changed. The following article may help you -- please pay attention to step 3 in the web based edit procedure.
If you will indicate the person with the issue a more details instruction can be provided.
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Thank you @KimAlviano for posting your question here in the community. If you could provide the ID number for the individual that you are trying to correct, we will be able to help you make the necessary corrections. You post the ID number here and we will check it out for you.