Tagging a source from Edit Event window

There is confusion when tagging a source to an event…
I open a Residence event and see that a census record that I know is attached as a source has not been tagged to that event.
I click the Tag Source button and select the correct source for that event.
I can't SAVE the event so I might assume that when I close the event, the tagged source is not saved. However, by opening the event again I can see that the tagged source now shows up.
Is there a way to message to users that the tagged source has been attached to the event?
I agree that this part of the UI is quite awkward to use.
I suggest you Suggest an Idea, but keep a copy, as submitted Ideas currently disappear from our view though we are assured they will be reviewed.
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If you remember to do the tagging when you enter the conclusion, then it's a whole lot of clicking on a whole lot of popups, but everything more-or-less behaves as expected. It's when you try to tag without making any other changes that it does that disconcerting "can't save" thing — because from the program's point of view, nothing on the main popup has changed, so there's nothing to save.
I think the solution is shown by the fact that I needed to resort to using the phrase "main popup". That's a very clear indication that the process is badly designed: it has waaaay too many layers of popups.
Of course, in my opinion, one popup is one too many, but I guess I'm old-fashioned.