How to index an image of a two-page city directory with businesses included
I'm trying to do some indexing for a school assignment. I don't have much experience with indexing yet, but no beginner projects were available, so I took an intermediate one as I have done it a few times. It's a US City Directory page. I've read the instructions carefully but I don't know if I understand them correctly. I'll probably find my answer as soon as I post this, but maybe it will help someone else.
My first question:
If the batch consists of an image of a two-page open book with two columns on each page (same image- not two images), do I start at the top of the left page, go down the first column, then go to the next column on that page, then move onto to the second page to do the same?
Should I enter it like I would read it? Here is the specific instruction (it doesn't mention columns):
"Many images show 2 pages. In some instances, the records will be split across both pages, while in other instances, both pages have separate records. In the latter instance, index the left page from top to bottom, and then index the right page from top to bottom."
Second Question
I wonder about the instruction not to enter names associated with businesses. There are businesses listed with the residential listings, but it appears that some residential listings also note that a person is a president of a certain company, for example, but it isn't a company listing.
Here's the specific instruction:
"Some images have businesses listed with residential listings. Do not index the information of businesses into the data entry area. Index only residential information. Further, do not index names of people associated with a business listing."
I hope this makes sense.
Best Answers
For your first question, we index top to bottom, left to right, just like you would read it.
For the second question, let's say there is a listing for Smith's Shoe Repair and within that listing, Joe Smith is listed as the owner. You won't index either the business or Joe. Joe will have his own entry later in the directory. This also applies to entries that are Smith's Shoe Repair, Edgar Jones, owner. Even though Edgar is not in your batch, he will be listed elsewhere in the directory.
Occupations, in a residential listing, have no bearing on whether or not a name is indexed. As long as the residential listing is something like; Joe Smith, 123 Main Street, owner Smith's Shoe Repair, it'll be indexed.0 -
You will not index Neuner Bros nor Louis J. Neuner in that entry.
Three entries down is Louis' residential list, which will be indexed. Ignore (Neuner Bro). This is for the viewer to find the listing for Neuner Bros if needed. The same applies to the Neuner Bros listing.
The Prefix and Spouse's Prefix need to be blanked out. To do that for the whole document, do the following:
Go to the first entry and blank out the Prefix, either by Ctrl + B or the fourth icon from the left on your toolbar.
Blanking out a field will automatically kick you to the next field. Go back to the Prefix field and click this icon on the toolbar, which is the sixth from the right:This will apply the blank to every Prefix entry in the batch.
Do the same steps for the Spouse's Prefix.
I do this for the spouse's information so I don't have to keep Ctrl + B'ing. Lawrence R. Neuner does not have a spouse, so the spouse's information will be blanked out. If you want to do this, go to the first entry and blank the spouse's information. When you blank the Spouse's Surname, it will kick you to the next entry. Go back to the 1st entry and click that button to blank out the Spouse's Surname. When the next entry, in this case Millard H. Nevarre, has a spouse, you'll override (for lack of a better word), the blanks and enter the spouse's information.1 -
The surname for Howard and Leroy is New, but New-Day.
@Sister W. Please give your batch code, its in brackets to the right of the project title and looks like this: [MQRC-345] The batch code lets us look at the same page you see. You can also see an example of how-to-index directories by clicking on View Post below
Be sure to read the entire post and post any other specific questions in this forum. Best wishes Mary
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Here's my batch information:
US—City Directories, 1903–1935 [Part N]
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I've added it as a comment further down in case anyone wants to look it up.
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Perfect. Thank you so much. It sounds like my instincts were correct, then. I will carry on!
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I love these little tips that make life so much easier! Thank you.
Can you tell me if the two Lawrences directly under NEUNER BROS. business listing would have the surname of Nedmuller or should I assume it's Neuner (minus Bros.)? I would guess they're not listed as employees of Neuner Bros. but maybe I'm wrong.0 -
I'm still learning this chat system, too! Thanks for your patience.
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The Lawrences will have the surname of Neumer. You can see that the first Lawrence is a car salesman; or perhaps owns a car dealership, and the second Lawrence is a bookkeeper.
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Here's another weird one for me. It seems like the little ditto marks apply to the business above (New Botsford Hotel), but a couple entries below look like they could be residential listings (?). With the last one (Leroy F), it's unclear to me which surname would be used, if it's a residential entry. Would I use Nevitt, as it's the last entry above the businesses listed?
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"New" can be a surname. From that screenshot, I'd index:
Clement J Nevitt and spouse Mary L Nevitt
Edw W Nevitt and Mabel O Nevitt
Frank W Nevitt and Harriett Nevitt
Thos Nevitt and Marjorie Nevitt
Anton New-Day and Vivica New-Day
Howard L New
Leroy F New and Marie New.0