New BUG in FS Memories - when displaying ALBUM contents

The following new BUG in ref to FS Memories processing was introduced into the system just a few days back.
It can be replicated as follows:
(My explantion assumes use on a computer and a Chrome browser - vs a smart device - but its probably broke across the board)
Also the below assumes you are a user who is making use of "albums" and storing memories items in specific albums.
Normally when you are in your gallery view of your Memories Tab - you can see your list of albums on the left hand album listing bar. When you click on an album on the left hand album list - the album is then displayed on the screen with its content. So far that all is working.
However with the following steps you will note a significant bug
1) If you then click on a specific item within the album you will then navigate to a screen where the specific memories item selected is displayed on the screen
2) On this screen where the item is displayed - on the upper right - if you click the "folder" icon - you will see the Albums that this memories item is included in
IF you THEN click on one of the albums listed for given memories item - you will normally be taken to that specific album and a display of its content.
3) HOWEVER - currently when you click on the "contained in" album for a given item - rather than taking you to that album and displaying its content - RATHER it is taking you to the main gallery and attempts to display your entire gallery. If you are a person with a large number of uploaded items - it will give the appearance that when you clicked on the album - that the system was hung - - - eventually, though it does display the entire memories gallery - but what it should have done was taken you directly to the album/folder that you clicked on and not the entire memories gallery.
Many people may not initially realize what is happening - and it just gives the impression that the system is extremely slow - which it is - but only because it is trying to display the entire contents of the gallery - when what you clicked on - it should have just displayed one speciifc album/folder.
Please forward this on to engineers.
Thank you for sharing this information!
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