Family Bible Records in FS Memories
FamilySearch Memories is a great place to look for Family Bible records (among other similar items)
Using the FIND option on Memories you can find some very interesting items and limit such items by surname.
However on most searches you will really need to use multiple search terms
and when you do so - you need to ensure you combine such terms with a capital "AND" (all letters in upper case only)
here is a sample search for Family Bibles for surname Yancey
(you will need to select, copy and paste the entire above 4 lines of url code to the address of your browser and then hit enter to view the results.)
You can execute the query, change the surname to your surname of choice and then re-execute the query to find items of your interest and focus.
How many of you have Family Bibles (with family registers) copies of which have yet to be uploaded to FS Memories. I hughly recommend uploads of that and similar items.