Importing Family Tree from My Heritage to Family Search
It's not a direct sync or upload. It's a multi-step process, and it is flawed.
It is likely that many of your ancestors are already present in the FamilySearch Family Tree. It is likely less problematic to add specific sources to existing profiles rather than trying to upload your work on MH to FamilySearch.
The basic instructions
This warning is a very important part of those instructions:
- If you plan to copy the information to Family Tree, we recommend that you submit small GEDCOM files of no more than 100 names. After the upload, smaller files make the compare and copy process easier to manage.
It would be my suggestion that you not upload a GEDCOM to the FS Tree. I've seen too many disastrous results.
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I would suggest you look at a third party tool that interfaces with both MyHeritage and FS and that would let you make the changes one by one in a controlled way without your having to retype the data. There are several products available; some options are free of charge. See