Extra button pushes
Every time I add a Memory, I now have to push an extra button to say "MAKE PUBLIC". How about a default I only have to set once? Then, once set to "MAKE PUBLIC", the new Memory is not available for me to tag until I REFRESH the screen, search through all the Memories to find it, then select the picture again, then select ADD TAG, then there's the new "PUBLIC" notification that I have to select "HIDE UNTIL NEXT SIGN-IN", then select "START TAGGING". WHEW! That's a lot of button pushes! I'm on a Mac using Safari.
Sorry for the extra work! Unfortunately, what you are experiencing is intended.
Though the recent changes might not be ideal, the new uploading process for Memories was necessary, as are the visibility and privacy questions. We appreciate your patience with these changes.
Over time, there might be additional changes made that might simplify the process. For now, the Engineers are aware of these concerns.
Thanks for sharing Feedback!
For more information on the new Uploader Tool, as well as information and Known Issues on all things regarding Memories, we invite you to visit/join our Memory Feedback Group.