Adding a date to sources
It used to be that when adding a date to sources, using the tab to get to the next box automatically saved the date. Now I find many sources attached to individuals without the date attached. I understand there are 2 ways to save the date, by clicking on the gray drop down box to select standardized form of the date, or clicking "enter/return". Could it be possible to allow using the tab without another step to save the date? Thanks!
Tab still works for me …?
In my experience, there are two reasons an attached indexed source may be missing its sort-by date: either it was attached before this feature of the Sources list was added, or Source Linker was being its usual extremely-literal-minded self. In neither case is the absence any fault of the user or the input interface.
There is a third possible reason for a missing date, which is attributable to an omission in the input interface, but it has now been remedied. (It's basically the only good thing to come out of the disimprovements to the Catalog's image viewer.) This only applies to unindexed images found on FS, so it's unlikely to be what you're talking about.
I think the most likely reason you're encountering more missing sort-by dates than previously is that many recently-published indexes don't label the date fields exactly correctly by Source Linker's standards, so Source Linker doesn't use their dates. This omission is not visible to users during source attachment, so people are unlikely to correct it.