Whereabouts in FamilySearch are you having problems? A screenshot (not exposing living person information) might help.
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"sliding over" sounds as if the poster is having problems in the Source Linker. But the post is the group dedicated to Feedback about the Data Quality Score.
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This was were I was at.
Pierre Joseph BarbierMale1749 – 1 May 1749•G1L2-TZY View Tree View Relationship FollowAboutDetailsSources (2)Collaborate (0)Memories (0)Time LineOrdinances
Detail View
Name • 2 Sources
Pierre Joseph BarbierLast Changed: December 12, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
Sex • 2 Sources
MaleLast Changed: December 11, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
Birth • 2 Sources
1749Gavrelle, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FranceLast Changed: December 11, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
Christening • 1 Source
30 April 1749Gavrelle, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FranceLast Changed: December 11, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
Death • 0 Sources
DeceasedLast Changed: December 11, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
Burial • 1 Source
1 May 1749Gavrelle, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FranceLast Changed: December 11, 2024KKim-N-Charlene
The links were working, but no information was sliding over! And the ordinance work isn't showing like it was either.
I don't know who came up with the information sliding over and posting on the inside so you could actually see all of the links at the same time and the information. But I Thank You Greatly for that. What a miracle it has been for me to be able to have that, so I can move more quickly.
I've been working on this family unit for about a week. From Siblings, to parents, to grandparents etc.
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Nicolas Gonnay MaleG1G3-X8Y Sources (1)Memories (0)Collaborate (0) Birth: about 1790Pas-de-Calais, France Death: Deceased Baptism not available. B Confirmation not available.C Initiatory not available. I Endowment not available. E Sealing to Parents not available. SP Sealing to Spouse not available. SS
Also why are they not available…I know it is not a direct line for me, right now! But…
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1690 sorry!