Who do I contact?
I have messaged FamilySearch several times and tried again this morning. This is what I sent to FamilySearch today:
"Howdy. Please consider Standardizing the spelling of the Italian town Boiano to included the spelling of Bojano. The "J" in Boiano is a drop down "i", which appears to be a j when preceded by a vowel and followed by a vowel. The recent vital records of Boiano which were indexed as Bojano are not showing up in the Library catalog in the correct location."
Thank you for any help. Arleen Craig Ellis
To suggest corrections or additions to entries in FS's Places database, you can use the "improve this place" button in the Places tool: https://www.familysearch.org/research/places/?text=Boiano&focusedId=10925954.
However, nothing in the Places database will have any effect on the contents of the Catalog. The absence of recently-acquired materials has nothing to do with the spelling of the placename. While they're now working on updating it, they have several years of catching up to do, and the information in it should still be considered stale.
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The films have been digitized for quite a few years but recently indexed. And who ever is indexing is spelling the name of the town as Bojano. The library catalog has it spelled Boiano.
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It has been several years since the lack of a magnifying glass icon has been meaningful, because of the freeze/lock on updates to the Catalog. If you want to know whether one of the stealth indexes has shown up for a particular image group (the digital descendant of a film), you can plug its number into the "Image Group Number (DGS)" field in Search - Records.
If some of the films on a catalog page have been indexed for a while (i.e., since before the freeze), you can use their magnifying glasses as a shortcut. For example, I went to the Boiano civil registrations catalog page, copied the first DGS (7240799), scrolled down and clicked one of the magnifying glasses, and pasted the copied number in place of the one that was there. That came up "no results", but I'd noted that the numbers were consecutive for the first several films, so I incremented the number, and that one (7240800) has index entries associated with it. So does the next one (7240801), but not the next two after that. Or not yet, anyway.
(I call them "stealth indexes" because I don't know about the Italian ones, but the ones from Hungary and Burgenland show up without ever being seen in Indexing.)