Dead link in familysearch wiki that points to an untrustworthy page

Where is the right place to report issues with the familysearch wiki content?
Feel free to forward this message to the right person that can fix this problem.
In this familysearch wiki page there is a link that points to a website that looks untrustworthy. The website either got hijacked, or the domain changed.
This is the bad link. It is supposed to point to the
Sistenma Nacional de Archivos de Euskadi (EASN / SNAE) Sistena Nacional de Archivos de Euskadi (EASN/SNAE)
and this is the untrustworthy link
This is the page:
I have tried the article Talk page and could not start a topic there to report this (although the mobile site gave me a box to type into, there was no button to submit). Nor is there a Feedback option on the wiki as far as I can see, so I suggest you try ordinary FS Support who in my experience are very responsive.
Edit: Ignore my recommendation, @Alan E. Brown has the right answer below.
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@wand42 To report problems in the Wiki, please follow the process detailed in FamilySearch Wiki:Submit Content or Report a Problem
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Thanks Alan and Mandy. I reported the problem.