Kansas 1885 Census

If a number is entered in Col. 1 Dwelling House, and no number is enter in Col. 2, is the correct response to New Household Identifier, when indexing, No? As I understand the instructions, there should be a number in both Cols. 1 and 2 in order for the response to be Yes.
@Patricia Capps You are correct and the researcher should be able to figure it out when he/she reads the original record online by referring to the census takers notes at the bottom of the page. However, the absence of the New Household Id makes it more difficult for the researcher to link correct parents to children, especially when brothers often bought or rented adjoining farms; in which case you could have 2 or 3 families of cousins/nephews/nieces all living "next door" to each other. So, if I as a reviewer saw Yes when only column 1 or 2 is marked, I wouldn't mark it "wrong" if the totals matched. Hope this helps. Mary