For Information/interest: The Existing Catalog

I notice the FS Library page "FamilySearch Library Catalogs" under the heading "The Existing Catalog" now contains the wording
Please note that this catalog was last updated in September 2022; it will be updated again by the end of 2024.
I think the sentence "it will be updated again by the end of 2024" is fairly new. I can't remember it being there when I looked at this page recently.
It must be new; last I'd heard, there were no plans to change anything in it. Perhaps the tweaks we're seeing are not just cosmetic, after all.
I will note that "September 2022" doesn't sound right: I think the last update was actually more like September 2021. (I suppose there may have been some small change later that nobody noticed.)
I will also note that if I start from the FS home page, there is no sign of any message, new or otherwise, about the catalog, or not anywhere that I thought to look. (Search - Catalog; Site Map - FamilySearch Catalog; Site Map - Newsroom; Blog [searched for "catalog" and filtered to 2024]; Research Wiki [tried "FamilySearch Catalog" in quotes but still got inundated with place- or collection-specific pages with instructions about using the catalog].) How does one even get to anything about the Library from the home page?
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The FHL has its own website:
The last I read, from SLC, was that the old catalog would not be updated for the "foreseeable future." And that statement is still on the microfilm/microfiche page FAQs
When will the catalog reflect the changes to the film collection?
The Library Catalog will receive timely updates as films are moved to another floor, but the FamilySearch Catalog is still currently frozen and will not reflect any recent changes regarding the location of the films for the foreseeable future.
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How does one even get to anything about the Library from the home page?
The only way I know is to scroll to the bottom of the Home page, click on Site Map, then look for the heading Locations, then click on Salt Lake City FamilySearch Library which is a FS website. The first link given by Aine is a website.
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BTW - I saw this blog post over the weekend and hoped there would be info about the FS Catalog. Unfortunately, the author left us hanging:
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Look up instead. Latest are all there. The only change in old catalog is the format since last month.
You won't find Hilbringen, Mondorf-Silwingen, or even Schwemlingen Familienbuchs in the old catalog at all. They are listed in new catalog already.
That bring up something else that is a real issue.
Why are there NO links to images in new catalog?
Example one:
Heilbronn Auswanderundgen (in new catalog)
showed NO links
while the same
Heilbronn Auswanderundgen (in old catalog)
show links to images.
Example 2
Britten, Germany (new catalog)
shows NO links to images
while the same
Britten, Germany (old catalog)
shows links to images.
And to pre-empt anyone try to counter me on those familienbuchs, they aren't even mentioned in old catalog.
The question - why NO links at all to the images when the new catalog has latest information. This is a pattern all over.
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Guess you didn't see the Announcement.