"Other possible match": is this a new facet of the hinting system?

I've never seen this before: there are two tree hints on the index detail page, one labeled "Possible Tree Match" as usual, the other labeled "Other Possible Match".
The second hint is definitely wrong; her husband was Johann Kirnbauer, not Kurz, and she died two years prior to this death-and-burial — but there's only a "dismiss match" link on the first hint (which is quite possibly the correct profile). What is the intended procedure here, and how did this arise? Is it related to my having found and turned on the "expand hints" slider in my Settings?
I've seen that, but usually it was a poor hint. I had one yesterday suggesting that Frank Kelly was the same person as Frank Fritz.
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Did you test this off by turning off the expanded hints? I would assume that is what is going on. When off we get 4 and 5 star hints. When on it must throws in 3 star hints. (see this announced here:
) They are going to be poor and really need the Dismiss Match button.0 -
I just tested it, and no, the second hint on the index detail page doesn't go away if I turn the slider off. (2/3 of the hints on the second person's profile page did, though, so the change had definitely taken effect.)
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The weaker hints are usually labelled as such wherever they appear, although I can't vouch for this particular scenario.
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I've only seen the "weaker hints" label on suggested records, not for possible duplicates.