How to fix wrong city for a whole document
It has been bugging me for a while:
Various indexed records in the South Bohemian region are indexed for the wrong location.
Example: This document has the title Častolowitz. Taufen (christenings)
But actually it is Neubistritz, death + marriage records. Records indexed from that show up as from Častolowitz. In other cases it lists the records as Česko / Czechia - which is also not ideal: 1) it is not very exact, Czechia is a big place and 2) not correct either since the records are from when Czechia was part of Austria.
some other records are also listed for "Neudorf, Strakonitz, Böhmen, Österreich" and for "Hurek, Rokitzan,.."
In comparison here the same document from the local Czech archive:
Is there an official way to correct this?
I believe we are being asked to report each instance of this. Many of us have come across such location errors, apparently due to a computer glitch.
To report it, click the 'Feedback' button to the left of the image, and then choose an unhappy emoji. Then, in the text box, report that it's the wrong location for the whole document and any further information you can provide. I heard there is a long queue to fix these errors, but it should be fixed eventually.
Hope that helps.