Merging Can Still Delete Ordinances
I think it's a well-known problem that you have to make sure when you merge that you don't delete the copy with ordinances done. The problem is that I think a lot of people don't know this. I can't imagine how many people's ordinances have been done and re-done unnecessarily because of the software making this not-obvious. As well as the fact that if someone without access to ordinance records works on the trees, they would be merging blind to ordinances.
I know this is a known concern, and has been for many, many years.
So my question is: is there a known reason the program continues this pattern? Or is it still an unaddressed oversight? If someone without access to ordinance data merges two individuals, could the record of the ordinances be lost in that scenario as well?
Thanks in advance.
You may want to join and participate in the Merge Analysis View group. You'll see existing discussions on ordinances and merges.