Verifying place names problem

@RicardoChaldain I want to make sure I understand your question. You said you conduct a thorough search for the correct place name, then enter it on the page. But it is not counted. Do you mean that the name does not show up in the list of standardized places? Or do you mean that your numbers on the Get Involved homepage do not change?
Google translated to Spanish:
Quiero asegurarme de entender tu pregunta. Dijiste que realizas una búsqueda exhaustiva del nombre del lugar correcto y luego lo ingresas en la página. Pero no se cuenta. ¿Quieres decir que el nombre no aparece en la lista de lugares estandarizados? ¿O quiere decir que sus números en la página de inicio de Get Involved no cambian?
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@Ashlee C., @RicardoChaldain may be referring to something that was an issue several weeks ago. There have been numerous problems relating to Verify Places since the "new" version was introduced. Some of these have been fixed from time to time.
When you use Verify Places, you can process a sequence of "batches", each containing as many places as you have specified (5, 10, 25 or 50). When you get to the end of each batch, you are presented with a summary screen which shows various totals of the actions you are about to submit for processing. For a period of time, (I think it may have been about the time that this discussion was started), there was a problem. If you processed a batch, the process seemed to work, but, if you clicked the CONTINUE button and processed the places in the next batch, all the counts on this second summary screen were zero, no matter what you had done with the second batch. This may be what Ricardo is referring to. This fault has been fixed, but it has been replaced with something far worse.
Currently when the summary screen for the second batch is displayed, the MAYBE LATER and CONTINUE buttons are disabled; the CONTINUE button has an adjacent spinning "busy" indicator which persists indefinitely. There is nothing you can do but abandon the Verify Places process and start over from the Get Involved / Opportunities screen, if you want to.
This is one of several problems which affect the Verify Places opportunity, particularly with regard to the second and following batches within a run. If this is going to take some time to fix, I would suggest a temporary step of disabling the CONTINUE button (at the end of the first batch) and adding some bubble help to explain why. This would stop users from wasting their time processing a second batch which they can't submit.
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FYI, the problem with disabled buttons was fixed within a few days.