Translation help: Hungarian to English
It's actually Latin. (Franciscus would be Ferencz if it was Hungarian.)
Number 2. Born 15, baptized 15 January.
Child: Franciscus, male, legitimate
Residence: Levárt 2.
Parents column but "Godparents" written at top of box: Vincentius Szobonya, Magdalena Vincze, commoners, RC
Godparents column but "Parents" written at top of box: Paulus Galo, Johanna Radnoty
Officiant: the same (Sigismundus Holmann assistant pastor)
Remarks: parent and godparent fields exchanged in error.2 -
Is the name Andreas Kaczman actually Duczman? Thank you.
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@ThomasWalker86, there's no way to tell without a visit to Salt Lake or Slovakia: the film that that entry was indexed from contains records as recent as 1952, meaning that it will not be public for decades yet.
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Who can I write at Salt Lake that would have access to that one page that is MORE THAN 100 YEARS OLD?
Thank you.
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@ThomasWalker86 I generally recommend Cyndi's List to find someone working in SLC.
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I cannot find anyone.
Any other ideas?
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Translation help Hungarian to English. Page 23 Thank you.
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Translation help Hungarian to English, page 24 Boros Thank you.
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Hungarian to English translation help. Garai
Thank you.
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Number 23. Dated in Olasz Liszka, 19 March 1905.
Informant: János Bihari Jr., smallholder, residence Olasz Liszka, whom the below-written registrar knows personally.
Deceased: Mrs. János Bihary Sr. born Julianna Kiss, Reformed, smallholder's household member, residence and birthplace Olasz Liszka, age 60 years.
Spouse: János Bihary Sr.
Father: the late János Kiss, former smallholder in Olasz Liszka.
Mother: the late Mrs. János Kiss Julianna Szepessy, former household member, Olasz Liszka.
Death: Olasz Liszka, 18 March 1905, 6 p.m.
Cause: emphysema/COPD
Remark: Informant is the deceased's son, who made the report due to his father's illness.Number 24. Dated in Olasz Liszka, 22 March 1905.
Informant: Mrs. József Boros Rozália Makszi, agricultural day-laborer, residence Olasz Liszka, whom the below-written registrar knows personally.
Deceased: Anna Boros, Roman Catholic, agricultural day-laborer's dependent family member, residence and birthplace Olasz Liszka, age 2 years and 2 months.
Father: József Boros, agricultural day-laborer, as a vagrant, resides in unknown location.
Mother: Mrs. József Boros Rozália Makszi, homemaker and agricultural day-laborer-woman, Olasz Liszka
Death: Olasz Liszka, 22 March 1905, 2 p.m.
Cause: tuberculosis.Number 26. Dated in Olasz Liszka, 8 April 1905.
Informant: Mrs. József Garai [corrected to András instead of József], smallholder's household member, residence Olasz Liszka, whom the below-written registrar knows personally [but clearly not very well!].
Deceased: Garai Jozsef, Reformed, smallholder's dependent infant family member, residence and birthplace Olasz Liszka, age 17 days.
Father: József [András] Garai, smallholder, residence currently America.
Mother: Mrs. József [András] Garai born Rozália Horvát.
Death: Olasz Liszka, 8 April 1905, 7 a.m.
Cause: congenital weakness.
Read forth, approved, and after correcting the father's name to "András" in three places and crossing out the word "years", signed.
[Text in the margin is the corrections.]@ThomasWalker86, I suggest you join the Austria-Hungary Research group for further questions and translation requests. (It'll still probably be me answering them, but we won't be bothering people who aren't interested.)