BUG REPORT - West Virginia vital records URLs
FamilySearch has indexed record sets for West Virginia vital records
- Births https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1417341
- Marriages https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1408729
- Deaths https://www.familysearch.org/search/collection/1417434
All redirect to the OLD (no longer working) WVCulture website at https://archive.wvculture.org/vrr/va_select.aspx
That means no access to the images from FamilySearch. There is no redirect from WV's old website to their new one.
Example - the birth of Rosa Morrison on FS https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NMWP-19Q sends the researcher to
https://archive.wvculture.org/vrr/va_view2.aspx?FilmNumber=816151&ImageNumber=104 which has no access to the birth record image.
Searching from West Virginia's updated website https://wvculture.org/vital-records-interactive/ finds Rosa's birth and allows the user to open the image at
Could we please either gets the URLs repaired or, as an interim step until the engineers have the time to correct the URLs, direct the user to search on https://wvculture.org/vital-records-interactive/ ?
Thank you for reviewing.
It looks to my eye like the new URLs are programmatically predictable based upon the old URLs, and could be migrated with a simple script, presuming that the frame numbers are a fixed five digits with leading zeros for <5-digit integers.
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I acknowledge that it may be more complex than we users realize, with possible contract issues, but a notice sending the user to https://wvculture.org/vital-records-interactive/ should certainly be possible. There is a similar notice directing the researcher to search for Irish vital records on the Irish government site here
https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/4535101 -
@Ashlee C. Can you make sure we've reported these issues? 😉
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Thanks. When we file reports such as this one, who should we tag, please? It's worrying to post and hope someone with authority replies and escalates.
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We will send this issue in for investigation and get back to you with what we find out.
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Ashlee usually catches them. I just happened to notice this hadn't landed in our tracking. You can tag Ashlee if you have an issue or bug that needs attention. Sam 😊
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Thank you.
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This is still an issue.
The link has been updated in the Research Wiki, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/West_Virginia_Vital_Records. In the interim, could someone add to that Research Wiki page, the old and new URLs listed in Áine's first post of this thread so when a user finds the record, they can convert the link and see the image without having to go through another search on the WV site?
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Your link West Virginia Vital Records goes to a blank page, @Anne986 because you included the period at the end.
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Áine, Thanks, I removed it as a link.
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Wow, thank you!
Links from two records have worked today.
Example record
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NMHR-QLM links to
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If you start at the WV Archive search, https://wvculture.org/vital-records-interactive/, the same result is at https://dach-image-proxy.digital-relativity.workers.dev/?film=1984019&frame=01847
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All three of the West Virginia Vital Records collections now link to images correctly: