How do I find out why my images are being rejected?

Recently, I have posted links to church vital records on the Polish genealogy community group board for translation and in the memories attached to a person in my tree. The last few submissions have been rejected, and I am unable to determine why they are being rejected. I was later notified the record attached to memories had been rejected in error.
I have read the guidelines and I am unable to determine what is triggering the rejection. In order to avoid this problem in the future, I would like to know what is causing the rejection.
Any assistance and clarification you can provide in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I am most appreciative of all the services that are provided through FamilySearch and would hate to have my privileges restricted due to repeated violations of your guidelines.
Kind regards,
It's not you.
The option to attach images here in the Community has been broken for many months. Here's a link to the workaround.