Error when editing image group metadata

The image group below is connected to an incorrect place.
When I hit the EDIT button then change only the place (to a standard place), then put a check mark next to, "I described the image group, not just one image." and hit SAVE, I get the error message: "! Some fields did not save correctly. Make sure you entered valid input. Use the Feedback button if the error continues." When I hit the Feedback button it says, "An error has prevented the requested action. Please visit the FamilySearch Community for help or to report an issue."
Ugh, it's more of the "Wies, Melk" nonsense, plus yet another bug in the index editor.
For those who have been lucky enough not to encounter it yet: many parts of the FS database have decided to move the entire city of Vienna, Austria into a few farmhouses along a road fifty miles to the west, because the autostandardizer considers "Wies" to be a match to "Wien". Given that pretty much every process on FS that even vaguely looks at placename fields now uses said autostandardizer, the result is the mass relocation of millions of records to that bit of Austrian countryside. (It also makes it Very Difficult to find Viennese material in the Catalog.)
Another part of the problem here is that the index editor is very complex and very buggy. I think the ability to edit the metadata is a new addition; I certainly don't remember encountering it previously. Clearly, the process still needs work.
A third part of the problem is that you probably have a popup blocker or similar browser plugin that's preventing you from reporting the bug using the Feedback tab. Try turning those off for FS and see if that allows you to make use of that function.
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I have pop-ups enabled, but I tried another browser. I still get the error message, but at least the Feedback button worked. I left feedback, but I think that is not really a place for bug reports. For one thing my e-mail address is optional.
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We've been told that the Feedback tab is exactly the way to report bugs.
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Ok, thanks!
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I never got a reply to my multiple Feedback attempts.
Meanwhile when searching images the place is no longer "Wies, Melk, Lower Austria, Austria" but rather "Wies, Mank, Melk, Lower Austria, Austria" ( This place no longer has any images assigned to it ( And the image group in my OP is assigned correctly to Vienna, Austria:
However, in the Catalog it is still "Wies, Melk, Lower Austria, Austria". And this place still incorrectly has many places assigned to it that should be assigned to Vienna, Austria:
Facit: partial progress, partially still the same