US, Alaska—Church Records, 1816–1970 According to the PI's sample of birth/baptism/
the year after the letters Nu is the birthdate. It is marked as #3 However, if you apply the same format for the next birth which is AKATON, OLIMPII, the birth is Dec 5 (Nu) 1913 and the bp is Dec 9, 1912. This means the child was baptized before they were born.
I believe this is a mistake in the indexing sample. I am currently working on a new batch. If the sample is followed, many of the baptism years are prior to birth years.
Please clarify the sample format matches the other entries for birth year.
The baptism example's box 3 is wrong; box 6 should be labeled as both 3 and 6 — but the rest of it is correct: the birth is whatever comes after "b." The abbreviation "Nu." is not explained or used anywhere in the indexing.
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