Reminder for Nats
A few reminders for indexing Nats:
Post-1940 Petition will have the record date on the other side of the document. You will index the Affidavit of Witness date as the Petition's record date. This day is preceded by the statement that says, in part, Subscribed and sworn to me before the above-named petition.
The AOW date is also not the record date for the Oath of Alligenice. That date is under the petitioner's signature.
Look over the entire document to see if there are any variations of the petitioner's name. Immigrants often filed under the American version of their names (ex: Stanislaw changed to Stan or Stanley). The names are important to researchers.
A married woman's surname is indexed as the maiden name first, then the name on #1 on the documents. Ex: Mary Jones declared her intention, but a few years later, her name is Mary Smith. Jones is found under the states, again, in part, My lawful entry for Permanent Residence. Her name will be indexed as Mary Jones Smith. Married women's surnames are also not separated by "Or."