
I notice lately that when I transfer sources over from Ancestry, which I have been doing for years, I see now that some of the sources I moved over show "Unsourced Citation". I don't notice anything I am doing differently, so why this change? And what do I need to do (hopefully in Ancestry, or in FamilySearch) so this will correct the issue? Thank you.
Can you share the PID (identifying code of a profile) of an example? I also attach many external sources, and I have not seen that behavior on FamilySearch. I have sometimes seen "Unsourced Citation" in an Ancestry profile.
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Thank you for your reply. Looks like some of the sources are populating? Here's one that still have some issues. GBWY-B54
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The ones showing as "Unsourced Citation" open to an Error Page on Ancestry: "We're sorry, this page is no longer available." You may have some malformed URLs.
I strongly recommend using the Ancestry Share Link option to allow viewers without an Ancestry subscription to view the records.
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Ok, thank you again. I may have to check out the Ancestry Share Link.
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I wonder how many / Family Tree users are aware of the Ancestry Share Link option? I don't think I've ever encountered an Ancestry source on Family Tree that has linked me directly to the record. Do you think people are generally unaware of the option, or - if they are - they just add these links for their own use / reference and aren't too bothered that those who don't have a subscription can't get to the record from the link?
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@Paul W Hi -
I think lots of casual users - the majority of both Ancestry and FS users - are unaware of the option. It's a great option, and I try to use it every time. I'm sure there are some I've missed. If I come across an Ancestry source, as I'm researching, whether I added it or another contributor did, I make a point of finding and adding the Share Link. It only takes a few seconds.
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When I want to send my information including sources from Ancestry to FamilySearch, and visa versa, I use the "Compare Person on FamilySearch" feature. I still do not see how, where or when I would use the Share Link.
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@David K B Are you a member of the LDS Church? Those of us who are public users of FS, not Church members, do not have that "Compare" option.
When you add an Ancestry source to a profile, you use the URL the Share Link creates instead of what you have been using.
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Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am a member of the LDS Church. I will check out your instructions and figure it from there.
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For example, on the profile you mentioned above GBWY-B54, the link you've added for the Probate Calendar returns an error. The basic link for that record is
and the Share Link (which will allow anyone to see it) is
I normally assure that both the basic link and the share link are visible in the source.
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Ok, thank you again. I do not need any more responses.
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when you say "I normally assure that both the basic link and the share link are visible in the source", I don't see a 'sharing' link unless one uses the 'share' option. Using the Ancestry-FSFT inter-program link results in Ancestry sending FSFT a URL usually much like the 'basic' 'view' one you cite above. And for those without Ancestry accounts, those links are generally unusable, so the 'share' option is, as you say, much more generally accessible.
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Only LDS members have the interprogram link option. I'm not LDS.
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I am LDS but I still don't see this option. 😐️
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It's the option you were using, @David K B.