How to get a research suggestion back
I struggle a whole lot with the source linker. Just now a source for a marriage popped up in 18th-century France. It listed the grandparents of the bride, which is rare. I didn't know what to do and I was about to get called away from my computer so I clicked "return to source." At that time I didn't know how to handle the grandparents, but I've since figured it out. Anyway, I ended up at a page showing the source, but no way to link the grandparents, that I can see. How do I get back to that research help? Thanks so much for what you do!
Best Answer
If you have the source open then you can use the Change Person boxes in the blue bar near the top.
The one on the left allows you to select a person in the record, e.g. a grandparent, and the one on the right allows you to select a person in Family Tree to link it to. You will need to have created records for the grandparents beforehand if they have not been previously created.
I'm guessing that by "return to source" you mean the "RETURN TO RECORD" button at the bottom of Source Linker.
For example, here's the Linker page for a set of records that showed up today on my paternal direct line:
And here's the index detail page that the "return" button goes to:
When the hinting system is being slow (like today), the "attach" button at the top of the right-hand column vacillates between showing the suggested Tree profile ("possible tree match") or showing just the bare button with no suggestion. Either way, you can get back to Source Linker by clicking that blue button. (As usual on FS, there are other ways to get the same thing, but I'm trying to keep it simple.)
If Linker "knows" who you want to attach it to, then it'll put that profile in the right-hand column; if not, then it'll list the profiles you've looked at recently in a right-hand panel. You can tell it "none of those, you dummy" by using the profile ID (the seven-character hyphenated string). You can likewise use the PID even if SL decided to be smart at you; if the person on the right is not right, click the "change person" drop-down on that side and paste in the correct profile's ID.