Changelog: Other Relationship filters display no results

If a profile has an Other Relationship with another profile, applying any of the Other Relationship filters to either profile's changelog display results in no entries being displayed. This applies to any of the seven possible Other Relationship types.
An example is Ann Pearson GD6K-KW8. She is recorded as the grand-daughter of Samuel Smith in two census records but her parents haven't been identified. If the Relative filter is applied to Ann's or Samuel's profile, no entries are displayed.
@JulianBrown38 thank you for your feedback. Your issue has been noted :)
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@JulianBrown38 The report we received indicated that this is working as expected. This is what we were told: "In order for it to show you will need to go to that other relationship. Click the pencil icon and add an event. Then when you use that filter it will work as you expect it."
Hopefully that helps.
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@Ashlee C. so are you saying Other Relationships are only reflected in the change log if they have an event associated with them? Couple Relationships (for example) don't work like that, so why should Other Relationships?
I must admit that the expression 'working as expected', aka 'working as designed', is a bit of a red rag to me (what makes the design automatically appropriate?)
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@MandyShaw1, creation, updating and deletion of Other Relationships are included in the change log. It's only when a filter is applied (of the relevant type) that they disappear from view if they don't have an event attached. The filters available are the various relationship types, which are properties of the relationship, not of an associated event. That is why I expected the filters to include the creation etc. of the relationships themselves.
With regard to the couple relationships, the filters that are available are slightly different in concept. They are for such things as Marriage, Divorce, etc., which are properties of the attached events. There isn't a filter that displays the creation of the relationships themselves. Maybe that could be an occasionally useful enhancement.
I think that something similar same applies to Parent/Child relationships where the filters are for the various relationship types only, and not for the creation of a relationship that has no type specified.
I agree with your comment re 'working as expected'.
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Sorry to confuse the issue, got it now.