View My Relationship?

In a Family Tree "View Relationship" window; what do the 'Father/Mother' designations in my side and the 'Son/Daughter' ones in the other side indicate?
To understand the relationships, you should start with yourself (in the lower left corner of the display). Then go up the chart to the common ancestor(s) and then come down to the person to whom you are related. So as you go up the left side of the chart, you'll be looking at (for example) your father, then his mother, then her mother. Suppose that is the common ancestor. Then you start going down the right side, look at your great-grandmother's son, then his son, then his daughter — that would be your second cousin. If you follow the relationship lines in that order, it becomes clear why it's Father and Mother on the left side, but Son and Daughter on the right side.