Deleting Relationship

I've noticed recently that when I delete a relationship (delete a child from a parent), the system does not perform an "automatic" refresh to display the results of the relationship deletion. It is a bit confusing because it gives the appearance that the relationship deletion did not complete successfully. The system requires that you "manually" do a system refresh in order to display the results of the relationship deletion. Anyone else experiencing this "possible bug"?
DL Melville
I also noticed a need to refresh a page after making a change - not necessarily just detaching a child from a parent.
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I think I've only found the problem as reported by @melville,dl. I only noticed this within the last few days, too.
Just deleted a couple of vitals (a burial and a christening) and confirmed no refresh required to see the updates. In another test, added a child, who appeared straightaway on the page, but refresh required when I deleted him.
Unless another example is found, it does look like it is just deleting a relationship that produces the problem.
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Sorry, Áine - you were right, after all! I just added a Death, then a Christening to an individual, but neither appeared in the Vitals section of the page until refreshed. However, the Marriage I added for him (and his spouse) appeared on the page without reloading being necessary. Possibly an intermittent problem, as I had no trouble when adding a christening yesterday (although I didn't note - as with the case with the one today - whether it appeared categorised as a Baptism in the source).
Perhaps a moderator could escalate this.
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as of this date (10/13/2024), this problem lingers on without any resolution. Seems like it should be a relatively "routine" problem to resolve. (thanks, Paul W, for requesting moderator escalation).
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Would be most grateful if you could pass the issue to the appropriate team.
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how do i delete the two of me that does not belong herre. also i syn my trees so why do they not show in here
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@SANDRA313 to let the Community help you, please clarify your question. Are you saying you can see multiple profiles that definitely match you within your family as a living person, or have other(s) added profile(s) that definitely match you within your family and that are incorrectly marked deceased? (Note that only the profile creator, or any Family Tree Family Group that they are a member of, can see a profile that is marked as living.)
And re the sync of your trees, what were you expecting? Third party products do not sync into the single FamilySearch collaborative tree, though you can normally upload individual changes into it.
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Thank you for your inquiry and for everyone's input. The issue you are referring to is actually working as designed.
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Sorry, but doesn't speak well for the designer ….
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I don't see why the need for a manual refresh is seen as "working as designed". I call this "bad design" or "not working as it should be". For me this shows poor skils of the programmer.
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I can remember when removal of a parent/child relationship from the Parents and Siblings section would automatically update the section to remove the child. It was not a full page refresh (i.e. F5), and was significantly faster than a refresh. On more than one occasion, when I was removing a number of relationships from the same parent (e.g. the duplicate relationship with just one parent sometimes created by a merge), I would unintentionally remove the relationship for the profile person before I had done their siblings. That meant that I lost the other children from view and is why I remember how things used to be a couple of months ago.
The code is apparently still there. I have found that if, instead of doing a page refresh, I move focus away from the browser tab and then back again, then the page will immediately update just like it did in the old days. I can do this by clicking on an empty part of the Windows taskbar and then on the browser tab header (or any empty part of the browser tab). I think this should be referred back to FS Engineering for clarification of their response.
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This having to refresh each time you make a correction is so annoying and totally unnecessary! It makes things more cumbersome. If this was a design choice then it is a poor choice! Family tree is cumbersome enough without adding things to make it more so!
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It didn't used to do this, but yes, I've been noticing for an indeterminate number of months the need to do a manual refresh at times. It does still refresh things automatically in some contexts, at least (whether or not parents-child relationships).
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It is very annoying to have to refresh with every correction you make in Family Tree. This is a recent development so it should be easy to correct. I certainly hope that the programmers will make an effort to fix this problem!!