Source viewing bug

(Oy, the current Community interface for Ask a Question is …disconcerting: it looks like the message box is greyed out, i.e., disabled. No wonder we keep seeing new threads that try to squash the entire question into the title.)
This is kinda-sorta a Source Box problem, since one way to trigger it is from some view or other of your Source Box, but it's also possible to get to it directly from a profile's Sources list (either the tab or the tool), so it's more of a general Family Tree problem …? Maybe?
The bug: the back arrow at the top of the "Attached To …" page for sources closes the browser tab instead of going back to the previous page. For example, if I open my profile's Source Box, click one of the sources, and click "Attached To [N]", the resulting page opens in the same browser tab (which is fine, if unexpected). It has a line at the top with a back arrow and the source title. Left-clicking that arrow-and-title does not have the expected result: it closes the tab, instead of going back to my profile's Source Box. In other words, the link/button behaves as an X, not an arrow as labeled.
The same thing happens if I open a source's attachments list starting from a profile: Sources tab, click title, click View — opens in new tab. Right-hand column, "Attached To" box, Show All — opens in that same tab. Clicking the arrow-and-title at the top results in closing the tab.
In fact, the same thing happens no matter how I get to a source's attachments page (for example, the arrow-and-title at the top unexpectedly and undesirably closes the tab.
Please either relabel that button/link as an "X Close", to accurately reflect what it actually does, or correct its behavior to actually go back to the previous page on that tab (if there is one), or — best choice, in my opinion — make it into a link to the source's View page (such as, and get rid of the back arrow (since it either duplicates a browser button or is like a pronoun with no antecedent).
I confirm the unexpected behavior of the back arrow. Using Chrome on Windows 10, both fully updated.