Regarding personal information there is a "preferred" button under my spouse's name. There have been

Is there a way to show all children on the same tree, or will I have to toggle back and forth?
Best Answer
@Nancy Elizabeth NancyAdams75
That "Preferred" 'Button' (ie. feature/function); specifically, relates to few things.
- What appears in the 'Pedigree' View as the "Preferred" Spouse.
- Affects how Source Linker" works when attaching "Sources".
.. (The "Source Linker" only aligns preferred spouse and children of that couple).
- The way the "Ordinances" 'Tab' displays/works for Members of the Church.
Many of us over the years have requested that, despite the "Preferred" 'Button', that ALL the Children for ALL the individual's/person's "Relationships" be automatically displayed without the need to select the Children for the non-preferred Spouses.
To date, nothing has transpired.
On the "Person/Details" page/screen you can see all the ALL the Children for ALL the individual's/person's "Relationships" for ALL the Spouses, not only the "Preferred" Spouse, simply by selecting "Children" under the non-preferred Spouses. That way ALL the Children for ALL the individual's/person's "Relationships" will be displayed.
Whereas, on the "Pedigree" view (where I prefer "Landscape"), it is NOT possible to easily display ALL the individual's/person's "Relationships", let alone ALL the Children for ALL the individual's/person's "Relationships" for ALL the Spouses.
For the "Pedigree" view (where I prefer "Landscape") there is an "Up Arrow" (ie. "^") next to an individual's/person's Spouse; IF, they have MORE than one Spouse; where, you can (as you put it) ".. toggle back and forth".
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in "FamilySearch", with some insight:
How do I set the preferred spouse or parents?
I know that this does not help; but, hope it gives some perspective.