Trouble editing, "San Buenaventura. Baptism Records"

(digitization of FHL film 649403, first volume on film, image 215 of 373)…
- The christening-dates are all indexed as 1869. They should be 1669. I'm able to fix that.
- Many names are misindexed. That's understandable: the records are handwritten, the writing is faint in places, some scribal abbreviations and archaic spellings are used, and the names themselves are short. One thing I note in several places is that "Juº", which I believe represents "Juan", is indexed as "Julio". But I'm able to fix those problems.
- Juan Nicolas father of Jasinto, second entry on left-hand page, had some error in the transcription of his name and had a gender of "Other". I fixed his name and set his gender to "Male", but now his gender is listed as "Female" at the related record page. Submitted as Feedback.
- The fifth entry on the left-hand page, Micaela daughter of Esteban de Thago [Diego] and Juª [Juana Francisca], dated October 4th ("cuatro de Otubre"), is completely missing from the index. I tried to "Add", highlighting "Micaela" as a {Birth Name,Given Name} and selecting {Christening Records} as record type, but I got the error "We’re sorry, something unexpected happened, and we couldn’t show you this. Try again later." Then when I reloaded the page, the record I had just added was gone. Submitted as Feedback.
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As mentioned in many other recent and not-so-recent threads, there is a gremlin in the Editor. It doesn't work as expected. I've stopped trying to edit for the most part.