لا استطيع الوصول الى شجرتي

in Family Tree
لا استطيع الوصول الى شجرتي اختفت مشجرتي من فاملي سيرش
الرسالة تقول لا ندعم الشرق الأوسط …
ارجو إعادة بياناتي المدخلة في gedcom
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I can't reach my tree. My tree has disappeared from Family Search
The message says we do not support the Middle East...
Please return my data entered into gedcom
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@A2510 I am trying to track down this issue. Could you share the name of a deceased relative that you are trying to find?
Are you looking in the FamilySearch family tree, or in the submitted family tree section? Please help me understand.
Regards, Rhonda Budvarson